Do more, save more with Rotating Telehandlers

When Peter talks, he weighs his words carefully, analytically even. You’d be surprised to hear that in the beginning, the ambitious young framer packed up all his tools, loaded them in his old, beat-up van, left home behind and moved from Toronto to Calgary to start his framing business. Fast-forward to today and his company, Barton Construction, is one of the biggest volume wood framing erectors in Calgary. Peter chose Merlo Rotos and Telehandlers to build his Canadian dream.

In this exclusive article, he will tell you how you can do the same. Do more, Save more. It’s that simple.

Stay on top of your competition with Telehandlers

When he moved back out west, it wasn’t commonplace for telehandlers to be provided by the developer. Peter saw an opportunity and he rented his first Merlo Roto and it was an instant revelation. Working on some large contracts he swore by Roto telehandlers to make his operations more efficient and faster, making him always one step ahead of his competition

Save Big on Set up Costs

Peter’s drive and passion for efficiency led him to experiment and “get creative”  with his new Roto. Their amazing capabilities, reach and maneuverability could even be leveraged to replace cranes in some instances, saving him the $8ooo everytime. He made sure to say goodbye to additional set up costs and it made him save money. A Roto with a winch on it can be used like a mobile crane with no setup costs. The Rotos load walls, entire prefabricated floor cassettes and all sorts of materials capturing sizeable gains in productivity and profit.

Do more with less with Roto Telehandlers

On smaller projects, the Roto can be used as a lifting unit instead of a crane that could not be used as it would get in the way quickly.  The Roto on the other hand can easily be moved out of the way or to another location on-site, rapidly and safely. On larger projects Peter uses his Rotos as a complement to the crane. A Merlo Rotating Telehandler will fill in all the gaps, service the entire site. Saving you precious time to get the job done…

Easier work, better work with a Roto Telehandler

Peter finds it way more efficient to also use a telehandler to feed his Roto. Last year, he added Merlo panoramic 50.17 units because of some of their unique features that competing telehandlers, loaders and tractors simply do not have. His favorite feature: Merlos’ Side-Shift. It can be a huge time-saver, allowing the operator to make substantial adjustments on the load without having to realign his telehandler.

DO MORE, SAVE MORE, It's that simple.

Watch Peter’s full testimonial here: